Sunday, August 22, 2010

IBM Systems and mainframe systems

 CICS (Customer Information Control System) is an online transaction processing program from IBM that, together with the programming language, has formed over the past several decades the most common set of tools for building customer transaction applications in the world of large computing. A great number of the still in use are COBOL/CICS applications. Using the application programming interface ( provided by CICS, a programmer can write programs that communicate with online users and read from or write to customer and other records (orders, inventory figures, customer data, and so forth) in a database (usually referred to as "data sets") using CICS facilities rather than IBM's access methods directly. Like other transaction managers, CICS can ensure that transactions are completed and, if not, undo partly completed transactions so that the integrity of data records is maintained.
IBM markets or supports a CICS product for , and Intel PC operating systems. Some of IBM's customers use IBM's Transaction Server to handle transactions from Internet users and forward these to a mainframe server that accesses an existing CICS order and inventory database.
Learn more about IBM System z and mainframe systems
: Ensure the success of your mainframe migration strategy with best practices for migrating, regenerating or replacing mainframe applications.
: Organizations typically defer upgrades during a down economy, but cost-effective mainframe upgrades can be key to your company's competitive advantage.
: A network-based data security approach is no longer suitable in today's world and we should look to the mainframe as a potential information security hub, says an expert.
: The modern mainframe: This isn't your gramps' Big Iron. Mainframe management has evolved dramatically over the past few years.
: The CICS dump table feature can be useful for diagnosing and managing problems in online systems when the information you need isn't available through default channels.
: Are mainframe software costs too high or does software productivity and reduced labor costs lead to lower mainframe total cost of ownership (TCO)?
: Using transaction classes is a great way to manage CICS workloads that come in unpredictable increments. Learn how to use transaction classes and get examples in this tip


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